[剧情片] 文艺片电影《注意,物种蔓延中!:爱与菌类之歌(2012)》1080P磁力链接迅雷下载

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评分: / 地区:美国 / 波兰/ 片长:93分钟 导演:Jason Cortlund/Julia Halperin / 热度:
类型:剧情/ 语言:英语 编剧:Jason Cortlund
主演: Jason Cortlund/Tiffany Esteb/Almex Lee/Gabrielle Maisels



下载观看法国电影《堕落的伯爵夫人》高清完整版,该电影未删减由赫苏斯·弗朗哥执导, Alice Arno/霍华德·沃侬/莲娜·萝薇主演 / 片长France: 87 分钟



  A couple are picking wild mushrooms to sell to chic restaurants. One of them offers her a job. While her culinary star is rising, their relationship goes downhill. The film, which cleverly latches onto the foraging trend, cuts through the love tragedy with poetic portraits of mushrooms.
  A couple lives off picking wild mushrooms. They get up before dawn, set off into the woods and sell their harvest to restaurants in New York. He is a monomaniac expert, she is more practical. It’s a hard and insecure existence, and that’s why they decide to take a job cooking at a trendy restaurant.
  Cortlund and Halperin juxtapose the fictional story about the growing distance between the two lovers with pictures of the seasons passing and beautiful close-ups of mushrooms in the wild - from the deadly poisonous yet beautiful toadstool known as the Destroying Angel (amanita verna) to the bizarre looking Bear’s Tooth (hericium erinaceous) and the delicious Porcino (boletus edulis). The preparation of the food is also portrayed accurately.
  Now, Forager provides a counterbalance to the often romantic picture of cooking and eating in films with a culinary bent and meshes perfectly with today’s Slow-Food movement.


more about mushrooms than love - the connection between the two a bit forced. catering scene hilarious

中文不对, 物种蔓延中是另一部, 串行了.


  • 【1080p高清】注意,物种蔓延中!:爱与菌类之歌 /Now, Forager: A Film About Love & Fungi .2012
  • 【720p高清】注意,物种蔓延中!:爱与菌类之歌 /Now, Forager: A Film About Love & Fungi .2012
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